Teeny Nadeau wants her artwork to have lasting impact.
Read Teeny’s Story

Elizabeth Rocha’s service in the Marine Corps taught her the importance of community.
Read Elizabeth’s Story

A mother of two with more than 20 years of experience in the accounting field, Sebrina Valdez decided to return to college to fulfill her goal of earning a bachelor’s degree.
Read Sebrina Valdez

Growing up in Japan, Ryutaro Ichihara’s life revolved around soccer. His passion for sports led him to Cal State Fullerton’s kinesiology program, where he discovered something he loved even more than soccer — research.
Read Ryutaro Story

Ramadhan Ahmed was inspired to ask himself, “What can I do for others?” after reading a book about Malcolm X. He found his answer in medicine.
Read Ramadhan’s Story

Ainaria Johnson knew from an early age that she wanted to make a difference in the lives of students with special needs.
Read Ainaria’s Story